

Jødehat og konspirasjoner fra Dagbladet

Det er så man vemmes og brekker seg over hva Dagbladets sommervikar Pernille Rygg kan få seg til å skrive i Lørdagsdagbladet. Men boulevardavisen har helt tydelig begynt å dra inn kreti og pleti i redaksjonen, rett fra gata:
Det eneste som kan forklare fallene og de voldsomme temperaturene i bygningsmassen etterpå, mener Jones, er et stort antall seriekoblede eksplosjoner. Slike som man ser når høyhus sprenges under en kontrollert rivning. Tårnene kollapset innenfra, ikke utenfra. Og i så fall får hele angrepet preg av å være en innsidejobb?
Oi, det var litt av en salve! Mener Dagbladet og Pernille Rygg på ramme alvor at USAs regjering skal ha gjort dette avskyelige, midt på lyse dagen, og mot sitt eget folk?! Agurktid lukter grums. Her stikker det nok god, gammeldags rødgrønn-kommunistisk antiamerikanisme under. Hvis ikke enda verre, et vaskeekte rødt jødehat.

Det er jo bare dypt tragisk for Dagbladet hvis så er tilfelle, etter alt jødene har vært gjennom.

9 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Eh, jeg må jo bare lure: Hvor klarte du å dra jødehat ut av denne artikkelen? Eller var det et forsøk på å være ironisk?

Kjetil sa...

Dagbladets Halvor Elvik har en kommentar idag som tar opp tråden - og som gir svar på hvorfor jødehat kan knyttes til disse konspirasjonsteoriene.

Et sitat:

"Organisasjonen 9/11 Truth er blitt dannet for å få dette fram, og for å avsløre alle de andre løgnene som myndighetene har fortalt. Det er en del av konspirasjonen at denne organisasjonen og dens avsløringer knapt får omtale i norske medier.

Søtest, hvis det går an å bruke et sånt ord, er beviset om at Osama bin Laden aldri har tatt på seg skylda for angrepene og derfor ikke kan ha stått bak.

Da må noen andre stå bak, og det er bare å følge det latinske «qui bono?», hvem tjener på dette? Jødene selvsagt."

Hele kommentaren finner du her:

Anonym sa...

Halvor Elviks kommentar er vel kanskje litt ironisk. Og sjøl om han hadde meint at jødene stod bak 9/11, kan man fremdeles ikke finne antydning til å skylde på jødene i Pernille Ryggs artikkel fra to dager før. Får da være måte på å legge tanker og meininger i munnen på andre.

I sa...

Jeg syns pernille ryggs artikkel var rimelig nyansert og grei. Agurktid er kanskje i overkant paranoid på vegne av det jødiske folk? Konspirasjonsteorier, enten de rettes mot DB-redaksjonen eller jøder, er mindre kult.

agurktid sa...

Halvor Elvis setter skapet på plass og der det skal stå!

Alle konspirasjonsterrorister hater innerst inne Jødene og Bibelens Folk. Hvis det ikke er øgler fra Saturn de tror på, så tror de på Jøder som styrer verden og kontrollerer mediene.

Anonym sa...

Jeg ser fremdeles ikke antydning til jødehat i Ryggs artikkel, uansett hva Halvor Elvik har skrevet ...

Anonym sa...

Faktum er at eieren av WTC 1, 2 og 7, Larry Silverstein er jøde. Silverstein overtok WTC 1 og 2 seks uker før 11. september. Byggene hadde ikke skiftet eier på 30 år. Silverstein underskrev en forsikringskontrakt med et eget punkt for terrorangrep, som ville gi en utbetaling på $3.5 milliarder. Larry Silverstein fikk $7 milliarder fordi han hevdet at de to flykrasjene var å regne som to terrorangrep.

Paul Wolfowitz er jøde og planla invasjonen av Irak allerede i 1992:

The terror attacks of September 2001 were the excuse the neoconservatives (neocons) needed to launch a preemptive war on Iraq which had been in development for ten years prior to September 11th. The man responsible for the main thrust of that Pentagon policy White Paper that put us at war with Iraq is named Paul Wolfowitz -and few people know who he is.

Five Israelis detained for "puzzling behavior" after WTC tragedy
The Foreign Ministry said in response that it had been informed by the consulate in New York that the FBI had arrested the five for "puzzling behavior." They are said to have had been caught videotaping the disaster and shouting in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery.

PNAC and the Wolfowitz Doctrine
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Desperate Soundbites

CNN: Dobbs tviler på myndighetene

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon:
"Don't worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."

Senator Fullbright:
"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."

"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews... terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is ompletely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country"

Anonym sa...

In 1846, President James Polk, anxious to expand the American empire, had the U.S. army build a fort on the Rio Grande, some 150 miles south of the commonly accepted border between Texas and Mexico. After 16 US soldiers died in a skirmish, Polk told Congress that Mexico had "shed American blood upon the American soil." This claim was called "the sheerest deception" by a congressman named Abraham Lincoln.5 Nevertheless, the Mexican-American war was on and in 1848, Mexico, being out-gunned, signed a peace treaty ceding away half of its country, including California, for a paltry sum.6

In 1898, the United States falsely accused Spain of blowing up a battleship, the USS Maine, which President McKinley had sent, uninvited, to Havana Harbor. This accusation, which led to the chant "Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain," was used as a pretext to start the Spanish-American war, through which America took control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. In the latter case, the United States, after helping the Filipinos defeat the Spanish, went to war against the Filipinos, claiming that they had fired on American soldiers. A quarter of a million Filipinos died in the resulting slaughter, which provoked the usually ironic William James to say: "God damn the U.S. for its vile conduct in the Philippine Isles."7 Many years later, General Arthur MacArthur admitted that American troops had fired first to start a pre-arranged battle.8

In 1964, a false account of an incident in the Tonkin Gulf was used to start the full-scale war in Vietnam, which brought about the deaths of over 58,000 Americans and some two million Vietnamese.9

Of course, we might be tempted to reply, although Americans have done such things to enemy nations ("All's fair in love and war"), they would never deliberately kill citizens of friendly countries for political reasons. That assumption, however, is undermined in a recent book, NATO's Secret Armies, by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser. This book demonstrates that during the Cold War, the United States sponsored false flag operations in many countries of Western Europe in order to discredit Communists and other leftists to prevent them from coming to power through elections.10

Italy suffered a wave of deadly terrorist attacks in the 1970s, including a massive explosion at the Bologna railway station that killed 85 people.11 Between 1983 and '85, Belgium suffered a series of attacks, known as the "Brabant massacres," in which hooded men opened fire on people in shopping centers, "reduc[ing] Belgium to a state of panic." At the time, all these attacks in Italy, Belgium, and other countries were blamed on Communists and other leftists, often by virtue of planted evidence.12

In the 1990s, however, it was discovered that the attacks were really carried out by right-wing organizations that were coordinated by a secret unit within NATO, which was guided by the CIA and the Pentagon.13 A former member of the organization that carried out the massacres in Belgium, which was funded by the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency, explained that the plan was to "make the population believe that these terrorist attacks were done by the Left."14 The former head of Italian counter-intelligence, in explaining the motivation behind the attacks in Italy, said: "The CIA wanted to create an Italian nationalism capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left." To achieve this goal, he added, it seemed that "the Americans would do anything."15

Operation Northwoods
If Americans would do anything to achieve their political goals in Europe, would they do similar things within America itself? Early in 1962, which was shortly after Fidel Castro had overthrown the pro-American dictator Batista, the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented President Kennedy with a plan, called Operation Northwoods. This plan described "pretexts which would provide justification for US military intervention in Cuba," partly "by developing the international image of the Cuban government as rash and irresponsible, and as an alarming and unpredictable threat to the peace of the Western Hemisphere." Possible actions to create this image included a "Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area . . . and . . . Washington" and a "Remember the Maine" incident, in which: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantánamo Bay and blame Cuba." Although President Kennedy did not approve this plan, it had been endorsed by all the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon.

Anonym sa...

Det er åpenbart og hevet over enhver tvil at byggene ble revet ned med eksplosiver. Mannen som eide byggene heter Larry A. Silverstein. Og han er jøde.

I 1945 krasjet et fly inn i Empire State Building. Det skapte et sår som ble reparert og bygget sto like fint.

En skyskraper i Madrid brant som en fakkel i nesten et døgn i 2005. Dagen etter sto skjelettet igjen like høyt.

Ca en time etter at WTC'ene ble truffet av fly, så eksploderte byggene. Vi kan se de siste rest av flammer i bygget bli blåst ut av eksplosiver. Resten av bygget eksploderer uten noen flammer tilstede overhodet.

7 timer senere falt WTC 7 sammen som om det plutselig sto midt på havet. Dét bygget hadde ikke engang blitt truffet av et fly.

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